I just realized anyone can figure out my life through my blog…. It just traces my journey over the last two years….. However, I figure I haven’t given it much of an update in terms of my life at the moment… So here goes it:
U G seems to have gotten over many years ago… P G is a different life altogether. A whole new bunch of friends… I’m doing my masters in the field I’ve always wanted to be in and I’m enjoying every bit of it, despite me regretting sometimes for not working hard enough for my cat xat stuff…. Nevertheless, God has been very kind to me. And MSSW is certainly a blessing. And I’m sure it will add value to me life…
My first few days out here were rather bumpy. I dint like anyone. People assumed I’m a geek. I’m jus not the hey-she’s-a-nice-girl kinda impression giver for the first few days… I take my own time to open up and find footage… But now it’s all cool! Doing well in exams, had a blast during culturals, been given a generous post called “Vice President” by the department, and hence doing some serious work for symposiums to be held…
I’m really happy to have gotten along so well with Divya… She’s been in MOP for three years, but I’ve never really known her… and now, we’re good bumchums :).. I should call us partners in crime! :p We compliment each other perfectly in music, fun and studies! Boy-meeting sessions (hehehehehe), movie watching sessions, combine study sessions, shopping sessions – its been just about 3 months and so much of fun!
Here’s divu and me…
Music on the other hand is being nice to me too. I’ve had my first two movies doing a decent job at the box office. Eagerly awaiting the release of my upcoming movies… and certainly waiting for more offers to come in! :)
Met some biggies in music in the last couple of months – A R RAHMAN, Kartik, Naresh Iyer, Rahul, Krish, Tipu, Chinmayee, Priya Subramaniam, Prasanna….. feels nice! :). Vijay Antony sir, Imman sir and Srikant Deva sir have generously given me the opportunity to render some of their compositions…
Here’s me, with Imman sir at his studio…
The A R Rahman meeting was a rather astounding experience… its all I’ve ever wanted ever since I was in 6th grade. Seeing the man in flesh and blood was completely scintillating… I’m thankful to Ooh la la program for giving me an opportunity to meet the God, even though I chose not to stay in the program beyond prelims. I just watched the man in awe, and my eyes filled up… I don’t think anyone can be more simple and humble like him….. I wish I’d get to sing for him someday...
Hmmpf.. So life’s moving on….. and I’m just making the best out of what I have at the moment…
Shooti, Nisi, Sangee, Icy, Taki, Indu, Valu, Cheri, Reynah, Preethi – I miss you…
Banju, V boy – you make my life so pretty, thanks a bunch…. I love you both..
I’ll write soon..
Me.. :)