But... BLESSED. That’s how I feel now.
Here’s my birthday log:
11.40pm 17th march onwards, calls started coming in! And slowly I began smiling.. Lakshmi, Rohan, Shooti called in, following the midnight wish tradition… And then V boy calls and asks me to come down to my gate!!!! Momsie smiled and let me go…. I went down the flight of stairs as fast as I could with those bird feet and flew into V’s car… “Happy birthday lil baby”, he said and unloaded a kutty dabba on my palms. I opened it all excited to find a freakin fone!!!!! A new freakin fone! My head almost started spinning as I looked at that lil sophisticated, sleek piece of joy! We drove and drove down mount road and then took U turn and drove and drove back home… Daintily switched sims into new fones… took off pictures… played pranks with birthday callers… had a cheeky + senti + super pretty awesome awesome time…
Got back home… took many many more happy birdday calls… and crashed!
Up at 6, woken up by shooti wooti who claimed to be sleeping cos’ she had sprains! I shook myself up and jumped outta the bed… Daddy boy wished me many happy returns… I drank my green tea and was setting to the gym… And Sanju sanju sanju called from London!!! I wish he was just a jump away and not many oceans apart… Nevertheless, we spoke pretty many happy words and then my bike took me to my gym… As I was entering, I see two very familiar faces standing right there… One with a sprained ankle, another with a cheeky grin and mallu eyes! Bikey automatically slowed down, trying to digest the fact that Shooti and Swathi are at MY gym at SEVEN am!! Heck, it was a birthday surprise!!!!! Hugs, birthday song, cake cutting session followed… They thoroughly publicized to my gym-mates too, that it was my birthday! Pooh. I was SURPRISED, in the real sense. Thanks you freaks! I carried home a whole bag of goodies - uper smart red sleeveless kurta, ethnic and bright Indian mat with zari, handicrafts…! I had bequeathed pre-birthday gifts as well, from Sangee – chambor eye shadows, super special wet wipes (I’m going to detail this further)…
I get back home and I find Divsoo and V boy accidentally present themselves to me! and soon, my singer jinger friends were all at the door! Rita, Jan, Ranina, Rahul and Naveeeena! I cut an absolutely grand choc truffle cake and fed mommy, daddy and all of them! They wouldn’t let go of my pretty face, would they? :P They made me look like a drishti bommai with cake smudged allllllll over!!!!! We had kuty breakfast and took many many many pictures…

Divu gave me a mirror… something I’ve been craving for ever since I moved into this house, cos’ my room doesn’t have a mirror!!!! Pooh. An awfully beautiful made to order mirror with antique wood tanjore frame. Do you have any idea, how awesome it looks????
After all the hugs and kisses, she rolls out another huge parcel… this one was a freakin AWESOME blue blanket! There’s a whole history to this one! I bet noneeeeeeeeee of you have a blanket as cozy as this one….. I used one at a friends place like a year ago, and ever since I’ve wanted to get something as cuddly as that. And bang! She gets me a replica of what I craved for, a year ago!!!!!
And then ONCE AGAIN she brings an item wrapped beautifully in green. This one was 3 foot long gift and I was so puzzled. I ripped the gift wrappers open and boy! There lie the most brilliant piece of hand made picture art!!!!! 2 year old memories captured to the T. Aaaah. I cannot describe it. Feel free to find it on my wall, when you come home next!

Pooh… I don’t know. I’d quite lost it, at the end of it…. We soon put it away and mommy, divsoo and I went a lil shopping after tat… got back home, had lunch… Div and I set out to coll… We reached early! Half an hour early!!! It’s one of those extreeeeeeemly rare scenarios where we’ve kept time! :P Amsoo bumsoo who claimed she won’t come to coll walked in with another super pretty cake and the whole class sang “happy birthday to you”! O man… I was choking on niceness. Really…
We aimlessly chatted for a while… Div and I then decided to watch a movie. As we were walking towards my bike, I see a whole bunch of red roses there! It’s these same college items – Riki, Amu, Aisha, Needy beedy, Bina, Min who are responsible for that! Thanks you silly billies!! :) :) :)

Went to Satyam and watched Yaavarum Nalam… Ironical that we watched a thriller, that I’d like to call a horrrrrrrrrror movie on my birthday! Aaaaaaaaaaoooooooooo! I was thoroughly freaked out. But hey! Nice movie, that! We went to blur… laughed at those machines and freaks who were freakin out on them! Ordered pasta, salad and ate tummy full! And then we were on our way back to our respective homes…..
I spent time with folks for a bit before I could adorn myself for dinner like Lakshmi had instructed me to! V and Lakshu drove home to pick me up for dinner! We went to Taj on Mount Road and had super pretty dinner…. I described alllllllll of the above to Lakshmi…and we spoke and spoke and spoke….
Got back home… these two would still not let me go empty handed… they got me birthday cards with words that only I could almost hear them speak…
Ah.. my birthday got over… I walked those flights of stairs up… this time a lot slower than before…. Recollecting precious precious precious moments of today… And here I am, writing about my day…

Thanks Giving
Divsoo, Shootu, Viveko – you’re my diamonds. You’ll very very very precious to me. thank you for slaughtering me with all your love… I can’t be more touched…
Lakshu – thanks for giving me an amazing evening… allow me to treat you to a foot massage, soon… :) thanks for the perfume and the card – i LOVE them…
All my singer friends, college friends – thanks oh so much for making my day so so special… thanks for coming… Thanks for the really pretty stole, Jan… :)
To EVERYONE who called, messaged, emailed to wish me – THANKS A MILLION….
Again, to all – Thanks for making me feel like a blessing.

Overwhelmed and exasperated with all the love,
It’s me Harini-aka-Megha saying thanks again…