08 July 2014

Popsicles of Estranged Love

His eyes spoke bejewelled with love
My heart thumped and skipped many beats
Every second built castles on top of the other
Dreams surreal, a hopeful future ahead...

Paradise I create... For 'us'...
As my hair softly curls into the whisk of sweet air... Bouncing and jumping with ease...
Whispering bubbles of hopeful love...

From far and near - the winds blew... 
Hard enough to pierce through...

I waited through and through... 
And hoped for the elusiveness to turn into deeper love...

A blanket see through he was wrapped into... 
But what stopped me from noticing it?

Pop pierced the needle... 
And the teardrop froze into a painful crystal... timeless.... 
Perhaps to be known as the icicled teardrop in the exhibition of the mummys... 
A million years later...

The frozen crystal hoped that the blanket fly away to the moon 
so it can rain, morning and noon? 
Clearing out the facade of invisibility...

The blanket stayed... 
Stained with dust... 
There was no one around to clean....

The hands yearn, 
the eyes speak a language the conscious can never seek...

Did you love me? 
Did you care for me? 
The voices creak from the insides of the heart...

As I close my eyes, this light I see... 
As I bow down to thee O Lord Supreme...
Your ways are weird, your toes are hard... 
I know not what lies ahead of me...

But keep me in your heart O Lord for I'm your devotee...
Fleet me not again, no wumbly love,
I seek your gravity...
Fill me up with Faith O Lord and a bright future to be...

Let me shine and light the world with hands you have given me
Let earthy burns and corny turns not touch him or me