So many wonderful people have been a part of my life, all through these 20 years… and as I’m nearing completion of 21 years, I realize I’ve never really stopped by to thank anyone or tell them how special they are and how pretty they’ve made my life…
Even though I hate to admit, my happiness/sorrow depends to a large extent on incidents, people in my life. Yeah, that’s pretty much how it is for all of us, but I guess I’m the one notch extra dependant on my friends, family. You know what I’m talking about – emotional attachment. Finding peace by myself, just being with myself is not so easy for me. I prefer a bunch of people around me all the time. Nothing can replace moments of togetherness and fun a bunch of nice friends share – be it over a cup of coffee or a plate full of yummy food. I would give up lone space to group fun, any day…
My life hasn’t changed around too much, at least over the last 2 years. But I see rampant change in my social circle – each one in different parts of the globe, doing different things. Strange that I’m more connected to those outside the city than those inside! And somehow I don’t feel like I’m doing enough to make any of these wonderful people feel that they really mean the world to me…
I know I’m just going to complete 21 years of age and that isn’t much. But I find myself going on my knees and pleading for more time cos’ things are changing a little too fast. My extra emotional conversation with my mom made me realize I’m not even going to have the privilege of living with my parents under one roof for say more than 2-3 yeas from now. God knows work or marriage is going to take me.
Like I was mentioning before, most of my extra good friends have already left the city and are making their own lives as they have shaped destiny… Some of my other friends are on their way outside, to make themselves better lives. Here I am, struggling all by myself. I don’t have the least of willingness to let anyone go. I just want everything to be just as pretty as it used to be. All I want is more and more moments of togetherness and laughter. Seemingly, I can do that only through the e-world or the phone-world now. Thanks to technology, I can at least do that!
Anyways, on that note here I am, adopting another media of technology – blogging, to tell you all lovely people out there, that I miss you and I’m going to miss you more. Thanks for making my life so inevitably pretty and meaningful all along. Thanks for making me what I am. Thanks for just being there, always…
I love you all – family, friends…

**wailing ecstatically; joy meets sorrow**
Advance wishes
i kno what you M-E-A-N and i can so connect to what you are saying!
change is inevitable...and FAST... i cant blve wher and what i was 8 months back where i am now... didn even imagine the DRASTIC turns.. and its all coming to me so soon.. that i have jus enough time to cope with it...and move on... thank god for technology.. wonder what we'd do without it! :D
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