There's been one birthday post every year ever since this blog came into existence.... Quite probable I might've missed last year...
This year however, I really really wanted to write. And I don't know....
So here's recollecting a small portion of what I'm calling Birthday-Eve.....
After having finished a fabulous batch of NLP Practitioner Training at Mumbai, I decided to take a stroll by a place nearby and hit on Juhu beach....
Fascinated I was, by the tons and tons of Chaat stores and just how different the beach there is, in comparison to the Chennai beaches....
I had a really pretty time....
It was quarter behind 12am.... And when I was leaving the beach, walking on the footpath, towards the car....
I noticed on this lamp post..... This angel of a girl. Head fully covered in a light pink cloth that had quaint maps of dirt and filth from the roads..... She lay with a back curved and the only part of her physique that had the privilege of any rest seemed to be the small of her back as it touched the lamp post....
Her eyes closed.... arms wrapped around her knee.....
Her face told a million stories. Stories of pain, helplessness, acute hunger and an unexplainable sense of calm....... I can't seem to get off my head this quagmire of expressions that her face wore.
Was she asleep?
Was she awake?
Is she orphan?
Is she forced into begging?
What's her fate going to be like?
Is she going to rest at least for a few hours?
Has she eaten?
How many days has it been since she ate?
What is she going to be subject to, when she opens her eyes?
Is she one of the 'slumdogs' I have seen as in the movie?
For some reason, it felt like this life that she's trapped in was just not meant to be, for her. Something was just not right.
I mean.
What could she have possibly done to have landed her a life that probably has no meaning at all?
Her face, I can forget never.
This tender little drop of heaven in misery is something I am not able to digest.

At the stroke of the midnight hour of my birthday, I prayed. I prayed desperately. With all my heart.
That someone rescues her. That a miracle happens. And she be rescued from the shackles of inhumanness, unfairness.... And that her life suddenly transforms into that of a happy girl, learning, studying, having a place that she knows is safe...
That she turns into a millionnaire some day, and I hear of it. And I will know, somehow that it's the same girl.
Tears fill my eyes as I think of her. I've no idea why she affects me so much.
But it's just not fair. That life she had as I saw her on 17th at 11.45 in the night - is just not meant to be.
Strangely, I seem to have included her in my regular prayers now. And I believe what I wish for her will really come true.
Little Girl - I'm not able to do anything from my end other than Pray. Forgive me for my helplessness.
May you all the evil around you be rebuked. May the Lord lift you up and touch your life with abundance of blessings.
You fill me, angel.
And I know God has a way for you. And I will pray for nothing but flowers of love, wisdom and courage to be showered on you. All your life.
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