“The only permanent thing in this world is CHANGE”… You’ve heard people say that before, so have I…. These sayings would sound rather cliché until you actually have a personal experience and then finally you can relate to it…..
A stone can turn into a rose… A rose can turn into an amoeba… An amoeba can turn into fireflies.. Fireflies can melt and turn into sugar candy’s… Sugar candy’s can turn into ruffians.. Ruffians can become love-birds… Love-birds can become love-devoid birds… Yes, in my weird state of mind, I sure do believe all this is possible…. Things change, from one form to the other, “anywhere, anytime”… One cannot afford to get riveted with these... Well, I did… To an extent that my sense of self depended on fleeting, illusory moments that I once thought would last forever… I’ve fallen down on parched land today, with a loud thud. I can see nothing but drought around me… Not a drop of water to quench my thirst… Mirages betrayed me… Harsh dust-laden winds blew past me, blinding me.. I became unconscious……
I heard an Angel sing, “The only permanent thing in this world is CHANGE”… I woke up faintly, unwilling to buy the Angel’s words… “Why do people change?”, I demanded to know… Angel smiled, holding me in her arms she said, “Change is God’s way of throwing tougher challenges at you… Once you get past these ordeals, God will take you back unto Him…”. I looked at her dismayed... “Move on Harini”, Angel said, “and move on unabashed… God is kind and He will always be there with you…”…. I pondered… I pondered… People come and go, they touch your lives in ways you cannot imagine… “Learn to be attachedly detached” cried the Angel, my soul, my strength, my inner self that I refrained from listening to, when I was carried away by worldly pleasures… I united with my inner being… Calm moments of self-realization… Revelation of universal truth, the way of life….
Mint-fresh gentle breeze blew past me…. Luxuriant flowers I can see… Mellifluous voices hushing “Wake up little girl, wake up anew”… A little bird kissed my eyes open…I saw the world around me... I felt like I had a new pair of eyes… Every being welcoming the new me, with open arms and cherubic smiles… The parched land that I fell on and the water-devoid areas seem like figments of imagination now… I have a new life, a new beginning, bigger dreams, tougher challenges, and a whole new life to live… And I am going to live it to the fullest with vigor, valor and victory! Only for myself…. This is my world, my space, my life… Noone can encroach into my world and embezzle my happiness… I’m a new Harini now… A Harini that has just experienced Renaissance…
thz one i loved!!!!! well...i also used to be like you....kinda like...im painfully attached..but want to be comfortably numb!!!! well thz right thing..is not to be attached to anything in thz world..which means..attached to evrythg in the world....in a situation where...evrythg and evryone means the same to you..be it family..friend or a stranger!!!!confused????
**comfortably numb* --- i want to reach that state as well.... i'm guessing i have (well, almost..).
"in a situation where...evrythg and evryone means the same to you..be it family..friend or a stranger!!!!" ---- yu a saint or something?! :)
"confused???? " -- na aah!
hmmm.. and someone wants to work in infy mangalore huhn?! **kicks**
not a saint...but a shaithan...but aint that the most ideal way you shud be...i have been thinking about that quite a bit!!!
and yeah Infy mangalore..thatz where my heart lies..or shud i say heart break lies!!!!again confused!!!!
why would want to live like a shaitan?
and infy mang's where your heartBREAK lies... MOVE ONNNNNNNNNNNN! arrrrrrrrgghhh!
you may need to move on...you may have become a diffrent person...but there are situations...when smethg holds you back....yet u dont know what is that....an invisible bond.....when you know nothing is gonna work out fine...yet a glimmer of hope....or hopelessness...the times when you cherish the past...the nostalgic feeling that creeps in!!!!!! i hate Infosys as a company...but here im wanting to go to Infy mlore!!!strange!!!!!and guess what..two of my bestest friends..asha and saheem have made a vow..that they wont let me go to Infy....
i should probably join your two friends! :)
well yes - i cannot escape from my past.. its stil a part of me. it always will.. and there are times i get very very affected, nostalgic.. bitter sweet memories...
trying to be happy, nevertheless! :)
Harini - you have a way with words. Sentiments so beautifully expressed!
@the visitor
thats the best compliment i've ever received! thanks so much.. :)
And thanks for responding to the comments too - I love to know that my comments were read. :)
@the visitor
and i love reading comments as well!
hey rinnny!!! that was so beautiful.... seriously awesome!!
i could read beyond ur lines, as well...
thanks so much girl... romba feel panni yezhudhitaen! :)
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