Music is such an ocean… Limitless… Boundaryless… Timeless…
It takes a whole cycle of births and deaths to attain moksha, saints say. I wonder if that entire cycle is enough time to understand the depths of music… its technicalities, its complexities…
If God gives me one wish, I KNOW now, that I’m gonna ask him for musical bliss, and nothing else. I want to throw myself into the ocean, and forget myself… all I want to hear is the resonance of Om, ringing in my ears, all the time…
More often than not, people put on some music in the background and go about doing their work…..
Try this – shut yourself out from the rest of the world. Turn off lights. Plug your headphones. Turn up volume. Put on some soul-stirring music… Close your eyes…
I lose myself, everytime I do this…. It transports me to an unknown undiscovered world full of mystery and calm. I place this experience 20 steps higher than meditation even. Such is the power of music. Listening to the resonance of every single instrument in isolation even when they’re all played as one, into your eyes…
I feel taken over sometimes, when I’m blinded amidst magic of music… While my eyes are hooked to the farther most it can see, from the beach shores whilst the waves dance to the rhythm of an indefinitely powerful force… While I kneel before the shrine, my heart at His feet… While I’m drunk on the sounds of tanpura…. While crooning raag yaman kalyani….. the experience is divine.. far beyond heavenly…
‘Voice’ is one of the biggest wonders of the world. One of the finest creations of God.. No two people in the world sound the same. It is one instrument that can be cultured and refined to melody…. I’m not going to let my voice rot another single day… I will nurture it, mother it and foster it with all my heart, for myself and for God…

classic post. speaks volumes bout your love for this divine art...
I really like the passion which is so evident in your words.
Don't worry Harini, you're doing just great with your music. Though I know you'll say there's a lot more potential - which is true, I suppose - but from what I hear, your voice is music to my ears.
someone's orey taken with new music class and all i see...:-) yenjoy and become orey superstar
thanks, my girl..
hehe. yeah... classes are BEAUTIFUL.... and all those ragas are just breathtakingly beautiful..
"I will nurture it, mother it and foster it with all my heart, for myself and for God…"
Nurture away, girl!!! Let that awesome voice of yours resonate from every speaker in the world... as it will in the not too distant future...
And yes, Yaman Kalyani is be-au-ti-ful!!! Especially in the last stanza of kuhu kuhu...
Oh, and thanjew for putting that link to my blog...
@kk iyer
:) :)
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